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​Ovenbird: "Unanswered Prayers"
The Night Heron Barks: "Close to Hunger"
Book of Matches: "Redbird"
One Art: "Replacements"
American Journal of Poetry: "Arrival"
Arlington Literary Review: "The Suicide Dinner"
Arts and Understanding Magazine: "Buried Memories"
Maine Review: "These Things Permit Less Gratitude," "So Many Dead
Ran Off with The Star Bassoon: "Four Untitled Prose Poems"
Nine Mile Journal: "The Shortest Season," "Marble Angel"
Sixth Finch: "Sharing Poet Flesh"

Exit 7: "Maryland Crabcakes" "Family Movies" "Baseball"
Crab Orchard Review: "Ten Dollars"
Sugar House Review: "89 Tears"
The Lily Review: "Remaining Turns"
The Rockvale Review: "Fence"
Former People Journal: "True Love Is a Mad Step" and "Prop the Camera"
Antiphon Poetry Magazine: "I've Split The Ash and Now I Read Ann Sexton"
Inflectionist Review: "Mother's Shell"
SOFTBLOW: "In The Gone" Kitchen Fight" Bone In The Bowl" and "Two Part Heart"
Taos Journal of International Poetry and Art: "The Boat That Takes Me" and "The Difference"
Citron Review: "Anchor"
Foglifter: "Translating The Birthday Songs Of Birds"
Massachusetts Review: "Every Thought Is Citric"
Flexible Persona: "Windows Move" "Visiting My Father"
The American Journal of Poetry: "Men's Clothes" "Haint Blue"
Cotton Xenomorph: "The Ambitions of Mice"
The Maynard: "Inherited Water View" "Looking At My Hand I See Her"

The Offing: "Stargazing While Sedated"
Lana Turner Journal: "Stopped at The Gate," "Swimming in a Storm"
I-70 Review: "Finch"
Chestnut Review: "How To Eat Lobster"
The MacGuffin: "Buck"
Impossible Archetype: "Quiet Boy at Camp"
South Florida Poetry Journal: "A Day Without Trousers"
The Shore: "Not Unlike My Father," "I Contemplate a Passing Sky," "Reflection in Ice"
Burningword Journal: "Anticipating Conflagration"
Passages North: "A Break In Shade"

Cortland Review: "Ritual Eating After Divorce"
Mom Egg Review: "Watching Baryshnikov"
Heartland Review: "Different Scales"
Evening Street Review: "Air Pocket" "Small Hooked Things"
Solstice Literary Journal: "Cherries" "Glimpse of Stillness"
Spillway: "Driving to New Hampshire After Father Falls"
The Night Heron Barks: "My Sister Washes Father"
Ninth Letter: "I'm Reminded of What I've Forgotten"
FUSION, Global Arts, Literature and Music: "Charades" Navigation" "Don't Think" "Confessional
Right Hand Pointing: "Migraine"
On The Seawall: "Radical Domesticity"

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